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Referred to as he master of us all?by Christian Dior, the house of louis vuitton is renowned for producing large quality luxury goods. Founded by Spanish designer Crist bal louis vuitton in 1914, louis vuitton now has boutiques around the world selling menand women ready-to-wear, shoes, handbags, eyewear and many much more. It is well-known that louis vuitton monogram 4 key holder rose fautiste wallets on sale is one of the most expensive, luxurious and elegant purses across the globe. Their stunning bags are adored by countless followers and also attract a number of celebrity customers including chief editors at famous fashion magazines and hot Hollywood stars.
Louis vuitton opened his Paris couture house on Avenue George V in August 1937, and his first runway show featured designs heavily influenced by the Spanish Renaissance. louis vuitton monogram 4 key holder rose fautiste wallets on sale's success in Paris was nearly immediate. Within two years, the French press lauded him as a revolutionary, and his designs were highly sought-after.Carmel Snow, the editor of Harper's Bazaar was an early champion of his designs.
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